1st Half
With both defences on top chances were initially limited , Upminster’s Lucy Falzon, Alexa Marston & Drew Bailey combined constantly with Izzy Uzal who was a constant threat driving play forward towards the Cambridge D.
On 5 Mins a Uzal pass across the area was deflected to Riva Siggins who finished from close range putting Upminster 1-0 up.
Long passes into the Upminster D forced a Cambridge City S/Corner the strike saved by GK Charlotte Triggs, Cambridge recycled the ball inside the D and a pass across the area was hit goal wards and deflected in 1-1.
With the game flowing end to end a timely tackle by Bella Boyle averted Cambridge closing in on goal whilst Marston and Michelle Wright combined well to create an opening with Wright’s effort just off target.
Continued pressure around the D by Uzal forced a S/Corner with Lauren Slater-Harvey’s strike going wide , with Siggins continually having time and space her forward runs put pressure on the Cambridge defence as it was Upminster who looked likely to score as half time came.
2nd Half
Continuing to press forward at every opportunity Upminster looked to make inroads into the Cambridge D , with Slater Harvey , Marston and Uzal looking to test the Cambridge Keeper who dealt with any efforts towards her goal.
Although the tenacious Falzon kept batting away in midfield Cambridge’s quick & slick passing took the game towards Upminster’s area with Slater-Harvey called upon twice to block their advance.
With player numbers forward Cambridge forced a S/Corner the strike being deflected behind GK Triggs who despite stretching stretching to clear the ball the forward was able to finish from close range 2-1
With Upminster struggling to keep the ball Cambridge’s intricate movement and passing in and across the Upminster D had Upminster defending solidily.
Urging Upminster forward in search of an equaliser Captain Megan Miller’s surging runs into the Cambridge D and passing across the area did not find an Upminster forward, whilst Wright & Siggnns forced a S/Corner which came to nothing.
As Upminster pressed forward Cambridge moved the ball quickly into space forcing another S/Corner , the straight strike evading the Keeper 3-1.
Result 3-1 Cambridge City 3’s