As we welcome you back to playing hockey, we are also pleased to inform you that we intend to open the clubhouse for drinks on a Saturday evening.
Unfortunately, due to the current Government guidelines there will need to be some changes within the clubhouse and we will be limited on numbers.
The new guidelines are noted below:
- Clubhouse Opening Times – 4pm – 8pm on Saturday
- Club members and their guests only
- Everyone will be required to sanitize and sign in when entering the building
- The bar will be staffed and no club member will be permitted behind the bar, unless asked to
assist - Members will be directed to a table and will be served at their tables.
- Toilets are strictly one in one out
- Members are asked not to stand at the bar or move the seats around within the clubhouse
- Card payments only
- Please social distance where possible
- The clubhouse currently has a maximum capacity of 40 people