Following a couple of issues this week could you please read the following regarding hockey up until Christmas.
Hockey Saturday 5th December
We are delighted that some of you will be able to play hockey this weekend. As I am sure you appreciate your Captains have worked extremely hard to try and field teams, unfortunately due to circumstances beyond their control some games will not go ahead.
Could members please remember to sign in at Coopers before entering the astro arena and all Covid rules still apply.
Senior Hockey Beyond 5th December
A decision has been taken that Upminster Hockey Club will stop all senior hockey at Coopers after Saturday 5th December, this will include training and matches. Clearly this decision was not taken lightly but feel this is appropriate in order to try and protect all members in the run up to Christmas. Hopefully, if we do not receive any further Government intervention hockey will restart again in early January.
Junior Hockey
Currently all UHC junior training and any scheduled matches will take place this weekend, could you please ensure that all players sign in ahead of entering the astro arena. A decision on training/matches for the remainder of 2020 will be made early next week and a further communication will then be sent.
Finally, should any player develop symptoms of Covid or be in the same household or bubble of someone that has been diagnosed with Covid they should not attend any UHC hockey activity.
Many thanks and regards
Michael Scrivener