The club have been in contact with the East League regarding travel arrangements to matches and following their response have noted the below guidelines for travelling to away matches.
- Please travel alone to away matches where possible.
- Under 18’s, that require transport, should travel with a family member or someone within their bubble.
- The club will not make arrangements for members to travel to away fixtures but if members wish to make their own arrangements and travel together they should be aware of the guidance that they should wear face masks, open windows, etc.
- It is important that the players abide by the Covid-19 procedures put in place by England Hockey, Upminster HC and opposing clubs when visiting them.
In addition to this, England Hockey have released the below outlining how each Covid-19 alert level will affect the game. Hockey is still seen as a low risk activity from a playing point of view, however there are still several guidelines that should be followed.
Thanks UHC