Availability on Teamo

Just thought I’d write to you all regarding the selection of the 7 teams for the coming season. Myself, captains and coaches are predicting more movement up and down the teams as we adjust to new leagues and the progression of our junior members. This movement up and down will occur throughout the season for many players, this is to aid development and to make sure there are experienced players in all teams. This means that some of you are listed in more than 1 team on Teamo.

Selection will still be done every Saturday for the following week. You will then be notified by the team captain via Teamo only as to where you are needed to play. To help this process we are asking that you mark your availability for game day in general, rather than where a specific team is playing, as you may be asked to play up or down a team. It is vital to have your availability on Teamo as far in advance as possible and the very latest is the morning of selection. You are able to add comments to Teamo, for example if one week you can only make a morning game.

Selecting players into the appropriate teams is very important to the club and it will be based on a few factors but mainly ability, availability and training attendance.

Occasionally you may be asked if you can move teams last minute due to an unforeseen drop out, these circumstances will be discussed with the individual at the time by the captain.

Please send me a message if you would like any further information.

Michelle Wright,
Women’s chair of selectors