This Saturday marks the return of our annual Easter 7s tournament over at Upminster park. The pitches are in perfect condition and the sun is forecast to be shining so it looks like it’s going to be a brilliant day. The bar will be open all day and as usual everyone is invited to come and socialise/watch, with anyone over the age of 13 being invited to take part.
If you or your son/daughter are planning on playing then please sign up using the ‘player sign up’ event on Teamo.
We’ll be opening the club from midday and will be kicking things off at 12:45pm, with the intention of having all matches finished around 5pm. Please bring both home and away colours.
Secondly, we are once again going to be running our mixed summer league this year. This will be open to every single player over the age of 13 and matches will take place at Coopers’. We’re aiming for matches to take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with the league starting in early May. We’ll be sending more information about this next week.
In the meantime, if you have any questions then please feel free to ask.