There is a Level 1 course scheduled by England Hockey to take place at Braintree on Sunday 29th January:
Level 1 Umpire Course – Deadline 18/01/2017
Venue: Braintree HC, Four Releet, Church Street, Bocking, Braintree, Essex CM7 5LJ
Start date: 29.01.2017 | Duration: Sunday 29th January, 9am-4:40pm | Contact: Umpiring Dept
The close date for booking this course is TODAY, so we need the quickest responses possible. Any member (male and female) who are willing to attend, please follow the online instructions ASAP and let Colin Wright know that they you are doing this. He will then contact EH in an attempt to keep the enrolment door open for a little longer!
The will pay the £50 per person course fee, so we just need a couple of volunteer drivers attending to provide transport for those needing a lift.
The pre-requisite: “Before attending any of our courses you will need to complete our online rules test by visiting the Hockey Hub website – . Please note: You will need to register separately on the Hockey Hub site” – .
Here’s the current rule book: