Dear Members
I hope you are well and looking forward to returning to Hockey.
You would normally be expecting a Start of Season Newsletter at this time of year but welcome to the new norm! Apologies for the length of this letter but clearly there are a number of new measures that we need to communicate.
We are currently at Phase 4 of England Hockey’s return to playing schedule which means: “Local Match Play – Intra club / Local Matches can happen but restrictions stop leagues / main competitions resuming”
Noted below are some guidelines for returning to hockey at Upminster Hockey Club. Clearly the guidelines that we have been given by England Hockey and Coopers Coborn will change as hopefully lockdown rules get eased further, but the information below is how we stand currently and these rules will need to be adhered to if you wish to participate at the current time.
All members are required to complete the England Hockey Participation agreement (details of which you already have or can be found on the Upminster and England website).
All members are required to sign up to Coacha with Upminster Hockey Club. This system will be used to communicate information to members and will allow you to participate in hockey this season.
Training Times
Currently our training times are noted below – All members will be informed which training sessions they can attend.
8.00pm-9.30pm Adult Session
6.00pm-7.00pm Colts Session
7.00pm – 8.00pm Adult Session
8.00pm – 9.30pm Adult Session
6.00pm – 7.00pm Colts Session
9.30am – 12.30 pm Colts Session
Playing Times
Saturday 10.00am – 6.00pm (Coopers Coborn School)
Saturday 12.30pm onwards (Emerson Park School)
Rules for Players
- Follow the Government travel advice
- Arrive at the playing facility as close to match start time as possible
- Please come to training/matches ready to play (No changing/showering facility available)
- Sign in as required for Track and Trace purposes
- Do not use dugouts
- Bring hand sanitiser
- Do not share water bottles
- Do not share equipment – including facemasks
- Respect your opposition and umpires
- Only touch the ball with your stick or GK equipment
- Socially distance when play stops
- Avoid Shouting excessively or spitting
- No handshakes with other players or close contact during goal celebrations
- Clean your kit or leave for 72 hours
- Match fees should be paid via electronic transfer to the club or directly to your captain. Adults £8.50 Colts £6. Cash will not be accepted.
- All captains will be given PPE equipment in order that any first aid can be administered should it be
required. - At no stage of the season should any member or official feel obliged to make themselves available to play/officiate should they not feel comfortable to do so. Not being available for any game/s due to COVID-19 will not affect future selection in 2020/21 or beyond.
- If you display any symptoms of COVID -19 after playing hockey, contact the UHC COVID Officer
Spectators & Post Match Hospitality
Spectators are welcome but must remain outside of the playing cage and social distance in line with Government guidelines.
The clubhouse will be closed until further notice. We hope to reopen for members only in the next few weeks. Guidelines on clubhouse use to follow.
As previously noted, we fully expect these guidelines will change over the coming weeks and the committee will keep you advised as to changes.
We look forward to welcoming you back to hockey in the next few weeks.