Following guidance from the Government and England Hockey (EH), game play and training for recreational Hockey is now able to resume from August for Local Hockey and Training, in accordance with Government and England Hockey regulations. For Upminster Hockey Club to resume training and game play from August the following protocols will be put in place by the Club and participants will need to adhere to these at all times during games, training and travel to games. These points apply to both senior and junior game play/training/officiating and will help to ensure that all participants can return to training and game play in a safe environment:
Game Play:
– Sides for games will be selected in accordance with the Club’s existing rules and constitution
– All participants selected for games must have completed the Club’s on-line membership registration for 2020/21 season and have paid appropriate annual subscription for 2020/21 season. In addition to this all participants (Players/Coachers/Umpires) will be required to complete England Hockey’s participation agreement. These all must be completed to be considered for selection.
– At no stage of the season should any participant or official feel obliged to make themselves available to play/officiate should they not feel comfortable to do so. Not being available for any game/s due to the current situation will not affect future selection, in 2020 or beyond, in any way.
– Any participant feeling unwell before a game should immediately contact their captain, make themselves unavailable for the game and follow Government advice and guidelines.
– Competitive games will be played in line with the rules and format provided by competition organisers. Formats for friendly fixtures will be agreed between the two captains but will be played in accordance with any EH and Government guidelines.
– All participants playing or officiating in a game will be required to provide their attendance and contact details to aid the governments “Track and Trace” requirements ahead of entering the playing area.
– Changing rooms and shower facilities will not be open for use at the pitch or clubhouse. Participants should arrive changed and ready to play. Toilets will be open, but use will be subject to the strict facility guidelines.
– A take away bar service may be available from the Pavilion should participants wish to return to the clubhouse following games. (please see bar service section).
– Lounge areas of the Pavilion at all home grounds used by Upminster Hockey Club will be closed and not available for use until further notice.
– Toilets at the pavilion will be open for use but subject to the strict Covid guidelines.
– Refreshments of any nature will not be provided by or available from Upminster Hockey Club during or after any games. All participants should bring their own appropriate refreshments to games. Participants should ensure they bring adequate amounts of soft drinks to games as these will not be provided by the Club.
– During any breaks of play due to inclement weather, participants should return to their cars or take shelter in another appropriate area, ensuring social distancing guidelines are followed at all times
– Participants should ensure they wash and/or sanitise hands at regular intervals before, during and after play. Sanitising areas and equipment will be provided at all home grounds used by Upminster Hockey Club.
– Participants should not share any playing kit or equipment at any time
• Players should not pick up the ball during a game or training.
• Players wishing to wear a face mask need to purchase their own masks, these should not be shared.
• Coaches will be responsible for putting equipment (balls, cones etc) away at the end of each session.
– First aid kits will be available at all home grounds used by Upminster Hockey Club, these will be the responsibility of the home captain.
– Any participant who feels unwell during a game should travel home on their own immediately if they are able to and it is safe to do so.
– Any participant who feels unwell during a game and is not able to travel home safely should isolate in the designated area. Someone from the participants household should then be contacted to arrange for the participant to return home.
– Any participant who feels unwell at any time during the 7 days following a game they have played in should contact their captain from that day who will in turn contact the Club’s Welfare Office
– Upminster Hockey Club will continue to follow all EH Safeguarding Policies at all times
– Only players, coaches and officials will be allowed inside the playing area. All spectators/parents will have to view from outside the playing area and following social distancing guidelines.
Travelling to Games:
– Participants travelling to games, including those travelling with a parent/guardian, should always follow Government guidelines
– Where at all possible, participants members and officials travelling to play or officiate in games, or being taken to games by a parent/guardian, should travel on their own as individuals or with participants of the same household.
– If participants do need to travel to games in the same vehicle, including those travelling with a parent/guardian, the number of people in the vehicle should be kept to a minimum where at all possible. It is not mandatory for face coverings to be worn when travelling in the same vehicle, but it is advisable.
– participants returning from games, or returning from games with a parent/guardian, should travel in the same vehicles as they travelled in on the way to the game.
– participants travelling to the games in the same vehicles, including those travelling with a parent/guardian, should independently arrange pick-ups between themselves, not through the Club or captain/team manager. These pick-ups should not take place at a central location.
– Where at all possible participants, including those travelling with a parent/guardian, should avoid using public transport to travel to games. If participants do use public transport to travel to games they should follow Government and local authority regulations and guidelines at all times.
– On arrival at the ground/destination, all participants, and parents or guardians they travelled with, should wash and/or sanitise hands.
– Upminster Hockey Club will always continue to follow all EH Safeguarding Policies.
– All participants attending training sessions must have completed the Club’s on-line membership registration for 2020/21 season and have paid appropriate annual subscription for 2020/21 season. In addition to this all participants will be required to have complete England Hockey’s participation agreement. These all must be completed to be able to take part.
– At no stage of the season should any participant feel obliged to attend any training session should they not feel comfortable to do so. Not attending any training session due to the current situation, or any other circumstance, will not affect future selection or membership, in 2020/21 or beyond, in any way.
– Any participant feeling unwell before any training session should not attend.
– Participants can only attend group training sessions at the time and date allocated to them. This will be advised to them, or their parent/guardian, in advance by their captain/team manager/coach. If a participant does turn up to a session not allocated to them, they will be directed to safely return home.
– All participants playing or officiating in a game will be required to provide their attendance and contact details to aid the governments “Track and Trace” requirements ahead of entering the playing area.
– Changing rooms and shower facilities at all facilities used for training by Upminster Hockey Club will be closed and not available for use. Participants should arrive ready to train where possible.
– Bar and lounge areas at all facilities used for training by Upminster Hockey Club will be closed and not available for use.
– Toilets will be open but use will be subject to the strict facility guidelines.
– Refreshments of any nature will not be provided by or available from Upminster Hockey Club at any training sessions. All participants should bring their own appropriate refreshments to training sessions. Participants should ensure they bring adequate amounts of soft drinks to training sessions as these will not be provided by the Club. Participants should not share refreshments and bottles should be clearly labelled.
– All group training sessions will take place in line with current Government and EH guidelines and regulations
– Participants taking part in group training sessions should ensure they sanitise hands at regular intervals before, during and after sessions. Sanitising areas and equipment will be provided at all facilities used for training by Upminster Hockey Club
– Participants at training should not share any playing kit or equipment at any time
– First aid kits will be available at all training facilities used by Upminster Hockey Club
– Any participant who feels unwell during a training session should travel home on their own immediately if they are able to and it is safe to do so
– Any participant who feels unwell during a training session and is not able to travel home safely should isolate in the designated area. Someone from the participants household should then be contacted to arrange for the participant to return home.
– Any participant who feels unwell at any time during the 7 days following attendance at a training session they attended should contact their captain or team manager who will in turn contact the Club’s Welfare Office
– Upminster Hockey Club will always continue to follow all EH Safeguarding Policies
Bar Service:
– A take away bar service may be available from the Pavilion after games.
– Entry to the lounge areas of the Pavilion will not be available even when this service is in operation.
– Payment for purchases from this facility will be by card only. No cash will be accepted.
– Members, guests and spectators are always asked to treat staff working on the bar with respect.
– Members, guests and spectators are asked to leave the Pavilion area and rest of the ground free of litter after using the takeaway bar service.
– Members, guests and spectators must always follow all Government guidelines while using the bar service. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE CAGE UNTIL THE PREVIOUS GAME HAS FINISHED AND ALL PLAYERS HAVE LEFT THE FACILITY.
– Upminster Hockey Club will always continue to follow all EH Safeguarding Policies. Prepared by Upminster Hockey Club
As At: 12th August 2020