We hope you have been keeping safe and well during the lockdown period. And since last weeks government announcement to start relaxing some of the restrictions, we have been looking at ways to keep you active over the Summer.
Therefore we have come up with an alternative Summer League this year which can involve all club members tracking their Runs, Cycles and Walks whilst raising valuable funds for the club and a local charity.
Euro 2020 Football Championships was due to start on Friday 12th June and the Final was going to take place on Sunday 12th July but this event has now been postponed to 2021 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
For the first time ever, it was going to have 12 hosts with the final being held in London. The 11 other hosts are Baku, St Petersburg, Bucharest, Budapest, Rome, Copenhagen, Bilbao, Munich, Glasgow, Dublin & Amsterdam.
As a Summer League challenge, we will collectively as teams try to complete all of the distances it takes to get from London to all of the host venues within the original timeframe of the tournament, 12th June > 12th July.
So what happens next?
We will be allocating a Captain per team to keep track of your teams progress. Each captain will be contacting you within the next week or so to see if you are willing to participate in the challenge.
How far am I expected to cover?
We will be allocating each team a distance to complete eg. Team A = London to Copenhagen [957 Kilometres], Team B = London to Dublin [464 Kilometres]. It will be down to the individuals in their teams to manage their own distances according to what they feel they can do within the timeframe.
What team will I be in?
You will be allocated a team roughly as per what team you represented towards the end of the season. ie. I played for the Ladies 3rd team so you will be placed in the Ladies 3rd team for the Summer League Challenge. If you played for U16s / U14s & a Senior side then for now place yourself in the Senior side.
When do I start tracking my activities?
First day you can start tracking your activities is on Friday 12th June. The last day will be Sunday 12th July. We will be tracking in Kilometres
What counts as an activity?
Running, Cycling & Walking [this can involve dog walking, golf etc]
How can I track my Kilometres?
We will be providing all team members guidance on how to do this nearer the time but it will be relatively simple via a mobile app or a spreadsheet.
Can anyone join in?
At the moment we will be keeping this as club members first. Should we require further participants then we will be back in touch.
Where can I donate?
Anyone will be able to donate from family to friends. Details about fundraising will be announced closer to the start of the challenge.
UHC Summer League Challenge 2020