Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something! Can you offer a few hours a month to help the club?
As the season starts to draw to an end, we are reminded of the work and efforts of our volunteers to make our club the best it can be. As a club of 24 (yes, 24 and growing!) playing teams and 9 regular training sessions, we rely on volunteers to make sure our club runs like clockwork.
Whether you’re a player, parent or supporter, if you can offer just a few hours a month then we’d love to have you on board.
There are lots of opportunities to get involved, with three new and exciting opportunities focusing on developing the club!
If you’d like to get more information about any of the following positions or talk through volunteering with the club further, feel free to contact Bella on 07528186165 or
Junior Team Managers
The junior programme is growing again this season as we introduce an U18 Girls and U16 Boys side into the club. Typical responsibilities include:
- Co-ordinating player availability
- Liaising with the opposition
- Working with the Junior Liaison Officer to make sure that all junior members have registered with the club and any venue bookings required
- Submitting team sheets/scores (where appropriate)
Club Coaches
Both our junior and senior sessions could do with some extra volunteers to help on our Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday sessions.
- If you’d like to assist at any sessions we can support you to become qualified on the 1 day course “Introduction to Hockey Coaching”
- If you’d like to take a more active role in coaching, with the ability to lead sessions then we can help with becoming qualified in the “Session Coaching Award”
If you’re interested in becoming a club umpire, then we can help with finding you a level 1 umpiring course. The course is only a day and you can get involved in umpiring straight away (or when you’re ready!). Once you’re comfortable, then the club will help you through your assessment if you’d like to umpire at a higher level.
Volunteer Development Co-ordinator *
Will work towards sourcing and arranging development opportunities new and existing volunteers. These will include supporting:
- Coaching – intro to hockey and sessional coaches courses
- Umpiring – level 1 and young umpiring courses
- Welfare – safeguarding and protecting children and emergency first aid
- This position will also support the club’s young leader development
Community Outreach Co-ordinator *
Will lead on building relationships with local stakeholders and partners to promote the club’s offer, including facilitating club activity in the community and raising the club’s profile within the community. Local stakeholders could include:
- Primary schools, secondary schools, SEN schools, youth clubs, community centres, Havering Council
Other Opportunities to Play Co-ordinator *
- Will look to broaden the club’s offer by facilitating other playing opportunities which could include activities such as Back to Hockey, Hockey for Fitness, Walking Hockey programmes
Social Secretary **
- With the support of the committee, captains and members we’re looking for a social secretary to pull together a calendar of events and organise some social events to bring together members, officials and parents.
*indicates that this position is part of the new club development sub-committee
**indicates that this position is a committee position